90 Day Planning

Which Challenge Next?

Business owners often have too many choices, too many priorities, too many tasks, and too many fires. Faced with unlimited choices, you may be indecisive, lose sight of what’s important, and fail to make progress. Yet you know that attaining the highest levels of success requires accomplishing many interim goals and objectives. You have always heard - “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time,” etc. So how do you build and sustain the right effort on the right initiatives?

Summit 9 clients maintain their momentum by adopting the discipline of 90 Day Planning. A 90 Day Plan reaffirms your vision and strategy, identifies quarterly priorities and how you will execute them, and explicitly defines where your energy will and will not be expended during the quarter. Businesses who consistently develop and execute thoughtful 90 Day Plans consistently outperform their competitors. One step at a time.

Summit 9 will help you develop your 90 Day Plans by providing a template, knowledge, and guidance. Our 90 Day Planning workshop is an opportunity to leave your usual environment, expand your thinking, and learn the process for developing a 90 Day Plan. Many business return every quarter (some clients have attended this workshop more than 30 times!) while others learn the method and the discipline and then choose to complete their plans on their own. Either way is fine but maintaining a disciplined schedule of 90 Day Plans is critical to your success.

90 Day Planning Details

Please complete the registration form to sign up for the next 90 Day Planning Workshop.  

At 90 Day Planning you will

- Learn how to organize all your business priorities

- Establish your most important objectives for the quarter

- Create a plan for accomplishing your key tasks

- Meet some great people and have fun

The investment to attend 90 Day Planning is $175 for the first person from your company and $50 for each additional team member.  About 2 weeks before the program, we will send you pre-work and additional details.

We look forward to seeing you.

For more information, call 207-847-9210